"Join us in creating a sustainable future for our children. 

Since 2001, we've been working to provide safe, clean, and liveable environments. Together, we can make a positive impact on our communities and help protect our planet."

"Let's build a better future together.

By implementing effective waste management solutions, we can:

Protect the environment: Preserve our natural resources for future generations.
Create jobs: Support local economies and provide opportunities for all.
Reduce crime: Promote community safety and well-being.
Together, we can make a difference. 

Join us in advocating for policy reforms that support sustainable waste management practices and empower communities."

Property or waste
Movable property is divided into
Inorganic property: recyclable packaging, community donations, and electrical discards.
Organic property: kitchen as well as garden-generated compostable materials.
Waste property: Property without recoverable social, financial or environmentally beneficial values 
(Movable property in public domain = municipal)

Constitution of South Africa: Your property is whatever you own and are responsible for as a result of a gift, transaction, or lieu of labour. 

The National Integrated Waste Management Act prevents property from being landfilled and requires that you separate your property from waste before municipal collection, activating constitutional protection.

Criminal law: theft is expropriation without compensation.
Ergo: if your property is being expropriated for public benefit purposes by a governing authority without compensation, you are being robbed.

Expropriation is required when contractors are involved in economic sabotage not voluntarily supported by the victims by stripping the assets from the source and surrounding challenged communities, driving survivalist-motivated home, farm, and business invasions that increase crime-related municipal and government income streams, destroying our rights to a safe, clean and liveable environment.

The Think Twice Recycling Program of Cape Town is South Africa's first ratepayer-funded scorched earth program targeting South Africans since the Boer War, stealing 18 tons a day from the Helderberg since 2008.

The community-orientated "Recycle for Environment-Friendly Job Creation and Compost for Local Food Security" empowerment program aims to address environmental sustainability, job creation, crime, pollution, and local food security by innovatively ensuring property protection is not restricted to your land but whatever you buy or receive, as per the Constitution of SA.

Why Participate?  Property protection, and life itself, would be the first and most compelling reasons

By separating and protecting your movable property as per the National Integrated Waste Management Act, you reduce pollution and establish a legal foundation that prevents the expropriation of valuable assets, including your home, farm, business, or business concepts, by governing bodies for public benefit purposes without proper compensation. We will own our stuff and be happy!

No municipality supports this crime-fighting program, so we have to pay extra temporarily to fix our community and country and, in time, replace the members of the governing bodies ourselves.

Participation provides members with the possibility of a safe, clean, and liveable, financially strong environment within food-secure communities that support the growth and well-being of children across South Africa.
  • Protect our property and provide our children with a good life in a safe, clean, and liveable development-capable community with driveable roads.
  • Reduce Landfill Waste: Significantly divert organic and inorganic property from landfills as per the National Integrated Waste Management Act, preventing property from being landfilled and activating compensation at a value to be established at a court, with reference to the R20 000/ton municipal value "if private property, not restricted to land, is expropriated for public benefit purposes."
  • Create Jobs: Generate formal and informal employment opportunities in every participating community through donated, lawfully separated property collection and processing in safe, supervised, and weatherproof facilities, not on the road.
  • Reward participation: Profits from the sale of recoverable materials shared, 50/50, with the community, of which 20% is shared amongst backers and 5% qualifying, active ward councillors.
  • Funding Charities: Carbon Credits are harvested to fund animal welfare, education, school sports, and, in failing municipalities, road maintenance.
  • Enhance Food Security: Improve soil quality and boost local food production through composting.
  • Promote Community Engagement: Foster a culture of recycling and environmental responsibility.
  • Support Municipal Goals: Align with the municipality’s waste management and sustainability objectives.
  • Spiritual: Do unto others” and ‘live a life of love and justice, expecting much of Your God.”
 Food security
Community empowerment projectfood security 

Preparation of gardens for seasonal planting, maintenance of the gardens, and an urban farmer’s market to boost your income by selling the produce of your hard work. 

Cost-effective, healthy food will be a challenge that all will be facing shortly. 
Monkey pox, listed as AstroZeneca and Pfizer side effects, may be used to lock us down shortly, so it is good that we be prepared, as a community, to take care of each other. 
Our main challenges, besides our age and wallet, are the preparation and maintenance of our vegetable gardens, and then the sale of the produce. 

Suggestion: Establish a “Food Security and Gardening Club" where all those interested in growing and selling vegetables or plants in the community go once a week, from garden to garden, preparing or servicing each one, starting with the oldest person’s garden and working down to the youngest. 
This is similar to the system the Essene’s of Jesus time used back in the day.

Not only will this break the disconnect in the community spirit since lockdown and make new friends, breaking the boredom for many, but it will also help us to share gardening tips and skills while protecting the children.

Market day: The gardener keeps half the money earned from sales, while the other half is shared amongst the club members. 
This should be adapted for use at schools too, including financially.

Free drop-off or paid collection (Where we have our own facilities), subscribers automatically share in the profits generated from the sale of property donated for public benefit.  All possible assets are utilised for the benefit of the community at large, and only hand-sorted, true waste is landfilled. Reduce, re-use, recycle, and compost, and only then "waste." Waste transportation is a multi-million Rand mafia business. Stop feeding the mafia.  Please! 

Collection Service (Free @ participating municipalities)

Scope: Provide a weekly collection of separated organic and inorganic property from households, and other donors, to stimulate the local economy and reduce crime, pollution, and domestic violence. The profits from the sale of the recoverable products is shared among subscribers on a ration established according to their subscription value, which is the most fair way of rewarding participation, after all. Operation: Collection will be conducted by residents with suitable vehicles on an alternate time and day to the municipal waste collection. Property exchanges are done "by hand" from inside the premises to prevent pollution and accusations of "theft of municipal property" in communities where the municipality has claimed all litter in the public domain and must be held accountable for the mess, before it gets into the rivers, etc. When registering, the subscriber must stated which of the three options—6 a.m.–8 a.m., 11am to 3 pm, or 6pm to 8 p.m.— and which day - will suit them. Free drop-off during working hours is also supported. Waste is collected by municipally registered and approved waste collectors, not us, who collect only lawfully separated, constitutionally protected property for local empowerment purposes.

Processing of Materials

Inorganic Materials: Delivered to a manual recovery facility on the owner's behalf, where self-employed sorters hand process the property, ensuring that only true waste goes to landfill, and are compensated with a meal, a form of education, and payment per sorted kilogram at market rates. In municipally supported communities, 45% of the resulting profit, after operating expenses, is equally shared amongst participating subscribers, 5% is shared amongst active ward councillors; and of the other 50%, 20% is shared amongst founder funders, investors, and management. 100% community win! Funders earn 15% per year on their investment. A circular, community-driven economy is only "circular and sustainable" if everyone local wins. Organic Materials: Processed for composting to enhance soil quality and support local agriculture, specifically urban farming programs resulting in local food security, additional jobs, and small business opportunities. Carbon Tax Credits: Sold to fund social programs including animal welfare, relevant education, and school sports, as well as to fix the roads. Shared Municipal Savings: Used with the income from subscriptions and selling the processed property to sustain the recycling and composting program.

Municipal involvement

Facility Provision: Where possible, the municipality is to provide space at the transfer station or underutilised municipal facility at a reasonable fee. We want nothing for free from anyone. Everything is a spiritual exchange and should be acknowledged as such. Tithing of our time, money, property, and "love" for public benefit purposes is the ultimate flex, with unlimited rewards from a God who told us to test Him in this regard. Waste tailings generated by manually ensuring only true waste goes to landfills as per the National Integrated Waste Management Act should not be charged to dump as long as we do not intentionally or knowingly collect waste, which is property without recoverable beneficial values. (Mixed organic and inorganic property is waste.) Financial Arrangement: The participating municipality is to be invoiced monthly for tonnage diverted from the landfill, with savings shared 50/50 between the program and the municipality. Where they are not supportive, we simply give them the figures so that they know what's going on in the community until we replace them. It's only a matter of time, service delivery, and decency, after all. Active ward councillors: share in 5% of the monthly profit. (service reward) If you feel your councillor did not earn their reward, email us with motivation, including the solution you expected and what you received instead. If we agree, the other ward councillors, if any qualify, will share that month with a local, child-focused charitable institution of our choice. Its a bonus, not a right!

60% by volume (air) in your wheelie bin is recoverable; 80% by weight is compostable. Stop overfeeding the transportation mafia holding municipalities at ransom! Reduce, re-use, recycle, and compost, and then only "waste."  

2 bags per week or 1 bag and 1 bundle of flattened cardboard

  • Weekly collection of 2 bags or 1 bag and 1 bundle of flattened cardboard per week of clean, mixed recyclable materials
  • 6 months: R1,200
  • 12 months: R2,400
  • Subject to annual increase of 10%

Subscribers share in the profits resulting from the sale of the processed materials. (Only available in communities supporting their own programs.) Mafia feeds on the transportation of your recoverable property. Reduce, recycle, and compost! Create local jobs. Be honourable.  

Organic kitchen generated materials

  • Organic kitchen-generated materials, cooked and raw, are to be provided in a black plastic bag for weekly collection. The door will be rung, and the bag will be collected from inside the property.
  • We are not yet sure when this service will become available.

Urban farm table gardens

  • "Grow your own" urban farm table garden.
  • Takes the hassle out of gardening by applying the Squarefoot growing system, at hip height.
  • The tables capture the water for re-use, saving on space, and by bringing in your own soil, you don't need to fix the soil you have, or you could simply have a garden in a high rise apartment.
Political Party: JOBS
 Jobs, Opportunities, and Business Solutions  = JOBS

JOBS Universitas is a voluntary association (non-profit) established to fix our country by protecting our inalienable human rights to a safe, clean, and liveable, development-capable environment suitable for children, based on property ownership and fair compensation when expropriated for public benefit purposes.

Our ratepayer-funded rights include driveable roads and food security, which is achieved through subscriber-funded, environment-friendly job creation, socio-economic stimulation adjacent to challenged communities, and provided through a modular, patented format applicable to every town or community with 3 000 or more subscribers.

PlanetGuardian T/A, MrRecycle.co.za, AfricaGuardian.org, or PlanetGuardian.co.za are the current funding tools.
JOBS expanded
Join us in this vital effort to secure a brighter, cleaner tomorrow for all. 
Homeowners and Property Owners: Individuals who own homes, land, or other property assets would be primary targets. These people have a vested interest in protecting their property rights and ensuring that their assets are not expropriated without fair compensation.
Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and small business owners who rely on their property and resources for their livelihoods benefit from the legal protections and economic opportunities offered by the campaign.

Local Communities: The broader community, including residents of towns and cities, would be targeted to foster collective action. This includes people from all economic backgrounds who would benefit from job creation, improved local economies, and a cleaner environment. 

Farmers and Agricultural Workers: Those involved in agriculture would be crucial participants, especially given their reliance on land and natural resources. The campaign’s focus on property rights and environmental stewardship would resonate strongly.

Low-Income and Vulnerable Populations: People who are economically vulnerable or marginalised, including those living in poverty, would be beneficiaries of the job creation and economic empowerment aspects of the campaign. 

Legal and Advocacy Groups: Organisations focused on legal rights, property protection, and social justice, with the General Public as beneficiaries sharing the program. 
  • Western Cape, South Africa

Providing a safe, clean, and liveable, development-capable, constitutionally compliant environment requires that our property ownership be protected and that compensation for property expropriated for public benefit purposes by governing agencies be compensated at a value established in a court!